Sensorineural hearing loss

Sensorineural hearing loss
Classification and external resources

Cross section of the cochlea.
ICD-10 H90.3-H90.5
ICD-9 389.1
DiseasesDB 2874
MeSH D006319

Sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) is a type of hearing loss in which the root cause lies in the vestibulocochlear nerve (Cranial nerve VIII), the inner ear, or central processing centers of the brain.

The Weber test, in which a tuning fork is touched to the midline of the forehead, localizes to the normal ear in people with this condition. The Rinne test, which tests air conduction vs. bone conduction is positive (normal), though both bone and air conduction are reduced equally.

Sensorineural hearing loss can be mild, moderate, or severe, including total deafness.

The great majority of human sensorineural hearing loss is caused by abnormalities in the hair cells of the organ of Corti in the cochlea. There are also very unusual sensorineural hearing impairments that involve the eighth cranial nerve (the vestibulocochlear nerve) or the auditory portions of the brain. In the rarest of these sorts of hearing loss, only the auditory centers of the brain are affected. In this situation, central hearing loss, sounds may be heard at normal thresholds, but the quality of the sound perceived is so poor that speech cannot be understood.

Most sensory hearing loss is due to poor hair cell function. The hair cells may be abnormal at birth, or damaged during the lifetime of an individual. There are both external causes of damage, like noise trauma and infection, and intrinsic abnormalities, like deafness genes.

Sensory hearing loss that results from abnormalities of the central auditory system in the brain is called central hearing impairment. Since the auditory pathways cross back and forth on both sides of the brain, deafness from a central cause is unusual.

This type of hearing loss can also be caused by prolonged exposure to very loud noise, for example, being in a loud workplace without hearing protection, or having headphones set to high volumes for a long period.


Differential diagnosis

Table 1. A table comparing sensorineural to conductive hearing loss

Criteria Sensorineural hearing loss Conductive hearing loss
Anatomical Site Inner ear, cranial nerve VIII, or central processing centers Middle ear (ossicular chain), tympanic membrane, or external ear
Weber Test Sound localizes to normal ear Sound localizes to affected ear (ear with conductive loss)
Rinne Test Positive Rinne; Air conduction > Bone conduction (both air and bone conduction are decreased equally, but the difference between them is unchanged). Negative Rinne; Bone Conduction > Air Conduction (Bone/Air Gap)

Sensorineural hearing loss may be congenital or acquired.



Long term exposure to environmental noise

Populations living near airports or freeways are exposed to levels of noise typically in the 65 to 75 dbA range. If lifestyles include significant outdoor or open window conditions, these exposures over time can degrade hearing. The U.S. EPA and various states have set noise standards to protect people from these adverse health risks. The EPA has identified the level of 70 db(A) for 24 hour exposure as the level necessary to protect the public from hearing loss (EPA, 1974).


Hearing loss can be inherited. Both dominant and recessive genes exist which can cause mild to profound impairment. If a family has a dominant gene for deafness, it will persist across generations because it will manifest itself in the offspring even if it is inherited from only one parent. If a family had genetic hearing impairment caused by a recessive gene, it will not always be apparent, as it will have to be passed onto offspring from both parents. Dominant and recessive hearing impairment can be syndromic or nonsyndromic. Recent gene mapping has identified dozens of nonsyndromic dominant (DFNA#) and recessive (DFNB#) forms of deafness.

Disease or illness


See also Ototoxicity

Some medications cause irreversible damage to the ear, and are limited in their use for this reason. The most important group is the aminoglycosides (main member gentamicin).

Various other medications may reversibly affect hearing. This includes some diuretics, sildenafil and NSAIDs, and macrolide antibiotics.

Extremely heavy hydrocodone (Vicodin) abuse is known to cause hearing impairment. There has been speculation radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh's hearing loss was at least in part caused by his admitted addiction to narcotic pain killers, in particular Vicodin and OxyContin. [needs citation]

Physical trauma


Previously, sensorineural hearing loss has been treated with hearing aids, which amplify sounds at preset frequencies to overcome a sensorineural hearing loss in that range; or cochlear implants, which stimulate the cochlear nerve directly.

Some research suggests idebenone alone or combined with vitamin E may delay the onset of hearing loss or perhaps reverse it.[4] Use of these agents for this purpose is considered experimental now.

Some audiologists and ENTs have reported if severe noise-induced hearing loss (exposures exceeding 140dB) is treated immediately (within 24 hours) with a course of steroids, it can often be almost completely reversed. This, however, is a new field without proven success.[5]

Researchers at the University of Michigan report that a combination of high doses of vitamins A, C, and E, and Magnesium, taken one hour before noise exposure and continued as a once-daily treatment for five days, was very effective at preventing permanent noise-induced hearing loss in animals[6]


  1. ^ "Sound Output Levels of the iPod and Other MP3 Players: Is There Potential Risk to Hearing?". Archived from the original on October 30, 2007. Retrieved 2007-11-20. 
  2. ^ a b c d e f "Frequently Asked Questions: Etiologies and Causes of Deafness". Archived from the original on 2006-11-15. Retrieved 2006-12-02. 
  3. ^ Hearing Loss News and Articles: Sonic tonic
  4. ^ Sergi, Bruno; Fetoni, Anna Rita; Paludetti, Gaetano (2006). "Protective properties of idebenone in noise-induced hearing loss in the guinea pig". Neuroreport. 17. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins. pp. 857–861. ISSN 0959-4965. 
  5. ^ Haynes, David S.; O'Malley, Matthew; Cohen, Seth (2009). "Intratympanic Dexamethasone for Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss After Failure of Systemic Therapy". The Laryngoscope. 117. pp. 3–15. 
  6. ^

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